I do...a lot...i like having plans...it makes me feel safe...and organized...even tho i don´t complete all of them...i like to have my things organized and writen on paper..i don´t do it often tho..and i dunno why...
Well i haven´t writen in quit a while...so a quick view of my life this past month:
I started and finished sucesfully (not only cause of 20/20 grades!) but beacuse of all the life lessons, and connections (as in networking) i did...i met all of this wonderfull people...and i looove my super (supervisor) jhonny...he´s actually quite awesome.
I also started work...i have (since like december) a domicliary patient who´s quite awesome too, she´s a 94 year old lovely lady with the coolest sense of humor who had a femur fracture...she´s walking and stuff but they (her daughter, her nurse and her also 94 year old husband!!!! still want me there...and i´m also doing like sustutions for day at this quite prestigious clinic (clinicas caracas) to one of my former teachers and some of his coworkers...is quite awesome...tho i´ve come to realize by my own experience how quickly money slips out of your hands.
I´ve also come to realize i don´t wanna grow up! i mean i don´t wanna work full time and shit...like that jamie cullum´s song that talks about working 9 to 5 and living for the friday nights! Hopefully i´ll get to grow up but in a sane way!
In order to do that thing i´ve called "grow up sanely" i´ve been doing all of this plans...i won´t reveal yet...i will once each one starts developing!
I met a guy...it was quite awesome...i mean at least busted my ego and made feel pretty cool..i was at a gig with some friends and one of my girlfriends bumped into a friend and they were talking when i came up...he had a death from above 1979 t-shirt -he was actually wearing pretty cool clothes- and i made a comment on it and on his pins and then left cause i wanted to get a poster they were giving away...after that i saw him outside when my friend left and just smiled...a few days after when i opened msn i had a new contact... "hi miss...is the guy with the death from above t-shirt"...it was cool that without even noticing it or without intention i´ve left an impression...
I have this patient at the clinic...she made me so freaking sad the other day...she´s a 24 year old girl...with a TCE (traumatismo craneo encefalico) she was hitted by a car in her way to work...the other day i had her on the "cama de bipedestacion: is a bed for her to stand up (she can´t do it by herself) so you make her lay down and basically tie her up to the bed and then make the bed go vertical" so she was standing right in front of me...she can´t talk but she does understand every word you say...i asked her to hold my hand to do some exercises, but she kept looking me with her big eyes...her long dark hair was chopped on a side in order to put a valve and she has all this marks...a traquetomia...and several scars...i felt so sad... i mean life is a game, life is like a progresive rock song...one moment one rhythm, the next moment a totally different beat, and that´s freaking scary...but hey we gotta live!
The other day around 6pm i was done at my internships so jumped to my car and the moment i started driving i had this feeling i´ve never had it was like the certainty of something bad happening to me before i got home...thanks God nothing actually happened!
My super kept making fun of me cause some of the boy´s i was working with (patients...i was in a pediatric area -that i looooove-) where "in love" with me...that was way too fun!) and flattering!
I´m gonna go to bed...and have fun tomorrow...is weird i haven´t been as happy as usually...like there´s something missing....still in a good mood C=
I´ve been watching a lot of movies...that makes me happy...i saw donnie darko today, pursuit of happynes and this one with cameron diaz and kate winslet and jude law and black jack...i loved it!! i love movies and dressing with sense of humor! C=
1 comment:
Me limitaré a sonreír =)
I figured out at the end of the entry that my other comment on the other half of the web-universe wasn't read tonight.
Espero estés arropada. Dentro de mi mitología he llegado a creer que cuando ciertas personitas duermen los unicornios y dragones son visibles para ciertas otras personitas que siguen despiertas.
Se que ahora tengo más probabilidades de ver alguno ^^
Ouch* no me limité a sonreír... buenas lunas.
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