Ok, so i migth be a lil picky eh? but also flexible...so i gave it some thought and here´s my list:
Are You Respectful? Polite? Good to your family?
An Ecologist?
Smart, Funny and Clever?
Not Selfcentered? Narcisistic (but hide It too well? Go to random facts about! ^_^)
Must Love Dogs (can´t come to my place if not…I have two and they´re all over the place!)
Are you an art (all forms) appreciator? Gig lover? Silence lover?
A good Cooker? =P Stand out of the crowd?
Like to help people and put smiles on other people faces?
Enjoy kids and old people´s stories?
Can you appreciate details? Can you read between lines?
Like to step on dry leaves?
Responsible and collaborator?
Both childlike and mature? Are you an easy smiler? Like dark humor?
Are you up for new things? Open minded?
Are you a motivator? Hard to intimidate?
Creative and easy going?
Thoughtful? Passionate? Contradictory? Playful?
Don´t mind what others might say?
Love to just hang out, walk around, sit or lay on the green green gras?
Don´t take people´s shit? Stand up for your beliefs and your point of view still respecting other people´s?
Good at conversations?
1 comment:
Feliz dia de la mujer girla...!
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