Friday, November 30, 2007
.-Sabras Ocultarte Bien Y Desaparecer Entre La Nieblai
Esta mañana fui al dermatologo, tuve que estacionar en la calle y cuando sali el carro no estaba! me acababan de remolcar! menos mal se lo llevaron a un estacionamiento como a dos cuadras de alli! Sali corriendo y llegue antes que el carro! Estando en la entrada de la oficina de la policia de circulacion pasa un carro con "Ciudad de la furia" a todo volumen, yo cargaba mi chapa de "yo *corazoncito* soda stereo y termine hablando con dicho señor...hablamos de lo bueno que estuvo, de lo largo! de las canciones que faltaron! resulta que el señor era funcionario de la polica de circulacion y fue quien termino poniendome la multa y llenando la planilla...!! A pesar de la multa =/ fue genial!
Horas antes del concierto el terrible aununcio de cero estacionamiento a causa de un evento gubernmental no previsto!! Panico total!! Pero todo termino temprano y se pudo accesar en carro sin ningun problema, suuuper rapido y tranquilo, luego la caminata hasta la zona del concierto, larga pero placentera, luego el hambre!! asi que a la cola para comprar tequeñ fondo musica fina, y de repente empieza a sonar "toxica" de los babasonicos...y todo el mundo tranquilo...
-Esa es la voz de Cerati!
- Tu dices??
-Claro! Es cerati!
El corre corre y la emocion! luego "juegos de seduccion" luego telekinesis! luego imagenes retro! de alli no recuerdo el orden...pero la avalancha de canciones mezclada con las palabaras de Cerati tipo "bellezas, hermosos" fueron desde en remolinos, zoom y cuando pase el temblor unidas como en el unplugged, persiana americana, picnic con su genial juego de letras en las pantallas, corazon delator con su mancha roja convertida en un corazon latente, hombre al agua, nada personal, de musica ligera, sobredosis de tv, cae el sol, primavera cero, te hacen falta vitaminas, septimo dia, danza rota,dos regresos a la tarima ya al llegar al final para cerrar hablando de sus recuerdos de caracas, del poliedro, y Cerati dice: "primera vez que estamos en caracas y hace un poco de frio!...seguro alguno de ustedes vino a ese concierto (señalando al poliedro justo al lado) ...yo vine! y tu? ay memoria! no seas tan cruel!" y comenzo una de mis canciones mas esperadas de la noche! profugos!
A mi parecer falto un misil en mi placard, cancion animal,te para tres, 1990 y alguna otra que en este momento no recuerde...sin embargo fue uno de los mejores, sino el mejor concierto de mi vida! el sonido! las luces ufff! niños sobre los hombros de sus papas, el grupete de hombres maduritos a nuestro aldo que coreaban toooodas las canciones y hablaban de sus "años mozos!" las señoras de mano de sus esposos! las manos de Del en mis bolsillos! (jumm hohoho! y bueno...John pidiendonos cariño! =P) y la paz total! cabe destacar que en un evento recientemente realizado en esa misma locacion fallecieron 3 o 4 personas por un hecho violento que involucro armas de fuego...algo (bastante) de cola para salir del lugar, pero de resto todo pefect! ohhh! adore los vestuarios! esas botas dios! esas botas!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
.-Musica para chocar...
Este post (despues de mas de dos meses sin publicar) iba a estar titulado "My hate/love relationship" o "I hate my mind"...pero no, mejor no...este titulo que estoy usando tiene aaaaños rondando mi cabeza...practicamente desde que comence a manejar y es que hay canciones que...Gosh! =/ alguna vez haz conducido escuchando "Chances" de Athlete??? puedo ver mi pequeño auto blanco (el color de la vanguardia! jajajaj!) irse en camara lenta contra la defensa, especialmente cuando voy por la cota mil y no hay cola....o cuando iba para valencia y escuchaba ciertas canciones de Stars, Death Cab For Cutie (los titulos de las canciones ahora no las recuerdo...pero las dejare para siguentes posts y las publicare como una lista...asi me forzare a mantener esto actualizado!), incluso Beck...
pues si mi imaginacion vuela...casi tan alto como mi auto cuando gira en el aire en camara lenta mientras mi cabello suelto cae sobre mi cara y pequeños trozos de vidrio roto se esparcen sobre el asfalto...todo en colores frios y pasan imagenes de quien esta pensando en mi en ese momento...
Por otro lado...nada como conducir de noche escuchando la musica de Stars...las luces pasando a tu alredeor...vas en un viaje...indescriptible...algunos dia es un viaje al espacio...otros dias es un viaje al campo...eso solo sucede cuando conduces...en realidad tengo añ verdad años sin montarme como pasajera en un carro! receurdo que cuando iba a higuerote hace añales me encantaba escuchar el OST de Amelie! era dejarse llevar...y es que manejar es "tener el control"...i love to be the one in control...but other times is better just to be driven...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Tantas horas sin dormir
creo que voy a morir
24 horas al dia quiero vivir
Tantas cosas quiero hacer
que no alcanzo a recorrer
todo lo que en mi cabeza llego a tener
Cuando llego a tu lado me siento yo a descansar
mas mi amor perdoname pues empiezo a pensar
En todo lo que hay que hacer
ya se me fue el dia otra vez
salgo de tu casa y empiezo a correr
Mas cuando ya estoy haciendo las cosas que quiero hacer
me detengo un momento y empiezo a pensar
En que tu estas junto a mi que no se va a repetir
que la vida se me va
con los besos que yo no te he dado aun
Tantas horas sin dormir
24 horas al dia quiero vivir
24 horas al dia quiero vivir
24 horas al dia quiero vivir
24 horas al dia quiero vivir
Puedo hacer como Da Vinci...era el? Que dormia dos horas, despertaba unas cuantas y asi...quizas funcione...
Mood: Confused. Semi Crisis Existencial.
Listening: Niña 186, Molestia. Corazon Gris, Dermis Tatu.
Reading: Eva Luna, Isabel Allende.
Eating: Fruits. Caramelos de caramelo.
Wearing: Grey Pant and shirt pjs.
P.s: Si yo se..que maispeis esa ultima parte...pero que se le va a hacer...
Sunday, June 17, 2007
.-Si Vives En Caracas...
Lo ultimo que escuche de este memorable edificio fue la realizacion de los premios urbe de hace un par de años alli...Y hoy lo recorde porque vi in america por segunda vez...sentimientos encontrados con esa peli...el drama es demasiado dramatico, si drama parte feliz, bueno dizque feliz es lo bueno...ah en in america...cuando la pequeña gran familia irlandesa llega a NYC aparecen las lindas luces del RC!
En otras notas:
*No soy mas pasante! hahahah! desde hace casi un mes! Joder! Time Goes By o Freaking Fast!
*I´ve Kinda Got A Gang...That´s Nice...We Even Got Nicknames...mine? ...mmm...maybe next time.
*I´m Helping this girl named Fabiola in this animal shelters project that is quite awesome...
*Ah estoy haciendo una traduccion!
*Jaja...hoy mi ma me estaba ayudando con esa traduccion y me dijo "Verdad que a ti te gusta poner sangrias....eso es tan antiguo" hahahah! So Last Season! ^^
*Soy yo o es la gente que no entiende indirectas, muy molesta?. C=
*Post en español para mis seguidores de habla hispana! (jajaja)
*Hoy fue el dia del usual my mom got a lil present C=
*See ya Next Time!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
.-Cerdos Ególatras!!! (bueno, bueno...cerdos de personalidad tipo A)
This wicked world is full of them!! and i happen to despise them! i mean i´m cool and all (hahah) but i´m a very humble person! I hate people who keep talking out loud (as if everyone want´s to listen to them) about their wonderful experiences, families and stuff...the worst part is that m,ost of them don´t think of it...they just act like that without noticing how much of a jerk their attitude makes them in front of other people (or maybe just in front of me?)
Anyways...i´m thinking about it cause currently my internships are at this Cardiac rehab center, which i don´t happen to enjoy as much as all of my previous internships...except for some of the patients...most of them are really really old and nice people...but some of them! gosh! they just piss me of...did u know that some tipes of personalities can make you more likely to some diseases? for example tipe 3 can make you more likely to have cancer, tipe 1 can make you more likely to heart i´ll cut and paste some facts about tipe 1 imagine spending your evenings (1 to 7 pm) in a room full of people that behave this way:
En 1957, dos cardiólogos, Rosenman y Friedman, del hospital Monte Sinaí, en San Francisco, California, describieron un estilo de comportamiento que llamaron patrón de conducta tipo A, que constituye un factor de riesgo para la cardiopatía isquémica. Estas personas tienen 2,5 veces más probabilidades de presentar angina de pecho o infarto de miocardio. El patrón tipo A es un factor de riesgo que opera al margen de otros factores de riesgo como el tabaco, la hipertensión y la obesidad.
Características de la personalidad tipo A
Velocidad, impaciencia, irritabilidad, siempre tiene prisa.
Estilo dominante y autoritario.
Pensamiento concretista, con dificultad para conocer y expresar sus emociones.
Actitud hostil, dura, competitiva.
Gran implicación en el trabajo, con tendencia a la actividad permanente. Consideran el descanso o el ocio como pérdidas de tiempo.
Preocupación por el rendimiento y los resultados finales, más que por el disfrute de la actividad mientras se realiza.
Pocos intereses y relaciones personales al margen del trabajo.
Son personas enérgicas, que hablan con voz alta y con rapidez, se muestran tensos e impacientes. Su vida gira en torno al trabajo, al logro y al éxito, son competitivos y ambiciosos y dan la impresión de no tener nunca suficiente. Tienen una gran necesidad de control de su ambiente, lo cual los vuelve muy tenaces, aunque pueden seguir intentándolo incluso cuando las posibilidades de éxito son mínimas y la tarea está destinada al fracaso.
Estas personas tratan de probarse a sí mismas continuamente, midiéndose a través de sus logros. Por este motivo emprenden numerosas tareas, tratando de destacar y triunfar en todas ellas. Dado que su valor personal depende para ellos de sus logros, suelen tener un gran temor al fracaso, pues lo consideran un indicativo de su falta de valor personal. Debido a que el logro y el éxito se vuelve para ellos una cuestión vital, se encuentran en una continua competición con los demás.
Tienen problemas para identificar, reconocer y expresar sus propios sentimientos, junto con una ausencia de fantasías.
No es extraño que encontremos a estas personas realizando dos actividades al mismo tiempo. Necesitan estar siempre ocupados, centrados en los resultados en vez de en el placer que puedan obtener con la tarea que realizan. Les cuesta mantener la atención en un tema que no consideren de gran importancia, pues es una pérdida de su valioso y escaso tiempo. A menudo están pensando en la solución de problemas que consideran de gran importancia, casi siempre relacionados con el trabajo, lo cual hace que presten menos atención al mundo exterior y sean, por este motivo, más propensos a accidentes. En los periodos de inactividad o vacaciones se muestran inquietos.
This days i´ve had some other encounters...with doctors...i hate the way they introduce themselves as "dr. yonosequiensit@" wtf? before a doctor you are a person...i mean i know that you killed yourself studying for a lot more years than most people...but anyways..i´ve always seen it as a way of saying " name is...and i´m better than you"...
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
...That has been my mood this past few days...since like last tuesday...even tho friday was pretty disgusting...and i´ve had some this moment...but i thought it would be good to write it down...anyways good things to come...pretty busy days C=...ohhh...i wanted to show a pic by me but i´m i used this one i looove that i kinda stole from Carjo (Thanks dude!)
Flies are buzzing around my head
Vultures circling the dead
Picking up every last crumb
The big fish eat the little ones
The big fish eat the little ones
Not my problem give me some
You can try the best you can
If you try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
This one's optimistic
This one went to market
This one just came out of the swamp
This one dropped a payload
Fodder for the animals
Living on an animal farm
If you try the best you can
If you try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
I'd really like to help you man I'd really like to help you man..... Nervous messed up marionette Floating around on a prison ship
If you try the best you can
If you try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
If you try the best you can
If you try the best you can
Dinosaurs roaming the earth
Saturday, April 07, 2007
.-40 and counting
In 40 days i´m finishing my internships!! i´ll be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow i´m having my 1st 24 hour shift...
The city was empty this week! awesome!
Happines is a funny thing...lately i´ve been talking a lot about it with my mom...and well there´s a lot to say but for today just let´s say a few-well known- things:
-The grass is always greener on the other side.
-Satisfaction is the death of desire.
-Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
.-Random Facts 2nd Episode
-M wanted to be an urbanist/architect…but she can barely handle numbers and drawings…so she thought that would represent a problem.
-M attends
-M loves to sing along (she´s not good tho).
-M sometimes uses her eclecticism to hide her indecision.
-M loves those Cup Noodles soup.
-M wanted to be a psychologist, she thinks she would kick ass! But she also thinks psychologists have Good complex.
-Back in highschool M was competitive as not so much, now she kinda dominates the art of competition.
-M thinks her messiness (yup I think i have just come up with that word...i don´t think it exists...does it?) gives her some touch of geniality –when is controlled of course-.
-M always gets along better with the boys, always has…still she wasn´t a tomboy.
-M has always liked musicals and weird movies…back in 1st grade her mom got her a “Nightmare before Christmas” vhs tape and she took it to school, when the teacher played it most of the kids didn´t liked it (stupid kids uh? How didn´t they love Tim Burton?).
-M´s favorite movie was
-M has always been told that she has pretty legs.
-M is wearing PJ´s: a black pant with huge pink hearts C=.
-M´s current insult: Cabron! And some variations of it such as: cabrona, cabrones, cabronzuelo, cabroncito, cabroncillo.
-M was kinda grunge when she was in higschool, then she became kinda neo-punk-semiemo, but for about 4 years now she´s just being indie-eclectic-boho and she plans on staying there.
-M has been told a few times to be “girlfriend material”…by boys that haven´t show that much interest…weird.
-M would make an awesome CCS turistic guide.
-M doesn´t stand out…but doesn´t fit in.
-M could just sit around and do nothing aaaaall day long.
-M has stages when she dreams every single night.
-M hates mustaches…boy with mustaches are pretty disgusting! But beards!! Aw! Beards!! ¨beating heart¨.
-Before she dies M wants to cover a tree in toilet paper (just like that 1979 video).
-Everytime M goes to a store or a restaurant with her mom people think they´re sisters or friends or something…sometimes people can´t even tell who´s on the phone!
-M and her mom always leave a voice recorder on to find out how much the dogs bark.
-M sleeps with her dogs…in the same bed!! And it´s awesome!! Hell it is…if this represents any kind of trouble to you…you suck! And are a class A cabron!
-M has some “angry songs”: send the pain below by chevelle, scars by papa roach and some staind songs.
-M likes to say people´s names.
-M loves kaleidoscopes.
-M had a lemon pie yogurt for dinner and now she´s having the worse "acidez" ever!-M thinks her previous posts (more than a month ago) where a lot better...once someone told her that were awesome cause where somehow very personal but at the same time very distant.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
.-Some kind of girlie stuff-.
I think it´s been over a week since women´s day...but anyways i forgot i had this image...i think it rocks...i had to post it here...happy day gurls! every day is our day!!
I got my new haircut on tuesday and my new colours today (but my colours don´t show that much) when i was in the beauty salon i was feeling so good...pretty optimistic...but now...i dunno seems my happiness levels have hit the funny how our moods vary so much rigth? (i mean cause it happens to everyone doesn´t it?)...about the hair thing...i went to Omer for the first time..i´m never leaving that place...they are awesome! they can really give you quirky hairstyles!!
A while ago i was talking to someone in msn...they didn´t asked...but i was trying to remember my last seems i´ve come to block mind has been full of crazy shit and useless thougs...i just wanna be done with school...and start working and start this new stage of my life..i was offered a job at the clinic i´m doing my internships right now...but i someone else showed up and is a
I had a last idea in mind...but i lost it... Nite!
P.S: I rememberd...i need a "gang" or something...this last month i´ve missed 2 gigs cause i had no one to go with! can u believe it? you know what sucks? having such a cool career but that everyone else that studies the same are such a bunch of plain (or well just different from you) people!! and i barely have time to do other stuff or go to other places and meet different people...anyways i´m too picky with friends...and also this is my bad mood talking...AHORA SI...Nite!
Monday, March 19, 2007
.-Quiero Volver A Ser Una Pagina En Blanco
Y pintarme nuevos colores y matices, otras formas, renovarme...estoy cansada de hoy y de estos dias, del cuerpo y la mente...voy a duele la cepillare los dientes de nuevo y bebere agua...tengo un mal sabor...mañana tendre un nuevo corte de cabello y hopefully un nuevo color tambien...decorare mi cuarto...pasado mañana empezare a correr...
Hoy tuve un dia off...i called in sick and stayed mom was off too...we slept like 3 hours in the morning...una tia de mi ma murio el puedo imaginar el dia de la muerte de mi ma...extrañare a mi tia Josefina...era una viejita algo cranky pero era nice ir a su cuarto a escuchar cuentos repetidos a pesar de todo...y ver fotos setentosas...
When I wake up early in the morning,
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream
Please don't wake me, no
don't shake me
Leave me where I am
I'm only sleeping
Everybody seems to think I'm lazy
I don't mind, I think they're crazy
Running everywhere at such a speed
Till they find, there's no need
Please don't spoil my day
I'm miles away
And after all
I'm only sleeping
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window
Taking my time
Lying there and staring at the ceiling
Waiting for a sleepy feeling
Please don't spoil my day
I'm miles away
And after all
I'm only sleeping
Keeping an eye on the world going by my window
Taking my time
When I wake up early in the morning,
Lift my head, I'm still yawning
When I'm in the middle of a dream
Stay in bed, float up stream
Please don't wake me, no
don't shake me
Leave me where I am
I'm only sleeping
Thursday, March 01, 2007
21 thing (ok, ok lines) my version....
Ok, so i migth be a lil picky eh? but also i gave it some thought and here´s my list:
Are You Respectful? Polite? Good to your family?
An Ecologist?
Smart, Funny and Clever?
Not Selfcentered? Narcisistic (but hide It too well? Go to random facts about! ^_^)
Must Love Dogs (can´t come to my place if not…I have two and they´re all over the place!)
Are you an art (all forms) appreciator? Gig lover? Silence lover?
A good Cooker? =P Stand out of the crowd?
Like to help people and put smiles on other people faces?
Enjoy kids and old people´s stories?
Can you appreciate details? Can you read between lines?
Like to step on dry leaves?
Responsible and collaborator?
Both childlike and mature? Are you an easy smiler? Like dark humor?
Are you up for new things? Open minded?
Are you a motivator? Hard to intimidate?
Creative and easy going?
Thoughtful? Passionate? Contradictory? Playful?
Don´t mind what others might say?
Love to just hang out, walk around, sit or lay on the green green gras?
Don´t take people´s shit? Stand up for your beliefs and your point of view still respecting other people´s?
Good at conversations?
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
-Ana! Would you like some juice?
-Yup Please
-Or Tea?
-Get her a room...we´ll get her out after the hemodialisis is done
We where standing the middle of the ICU...
Around 12:15 a.m. we got down to the ICU again to check on another patient...they where cleaning her up..."they´re getting her ready" i said to myself...but by the time we where done with our patient my supervisor was trying to show me something and when we turned our backs...we saw ana...totally wraped on a yellow blanket...with stickers wih her name...
She was old...but not that old...she had pretty eyes and her hair was dyed in a reddish brown...on monday she tryed to talk to my supervisor and i saw a young man holding her hand, touching her hair and talking to she was finally stable after 10 or 12 days...she was going down to a room...but in just a few hours she was gone...i´ve heard and is like a fact that before people die actually there´s a point where you seem to be recovering...
As cliché as i may sound...actually i´m not gonna say anything i don´t have to just that i have never been surrounded by this kind of things...
By the time i was leaving the clinic a lot of people where there...this young doctor got up with me on the elevator "i came to visit a friend...his granny just died" he said to a nurse...
who was she? who else did she leave behind? did she had a chance to say goodbye? did she knew she was loved?? did someone told her that before she died?? did she got to tell someone anything she might have wanna say?
about nurses...well i´ll better talk about them another time...
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Lack Of...
Inspiration? Creativity? Originality?
So...I´ll go for a lyric picked for the ocasion based of something that hapend to me this friday at a gig..but with a pic of my own to go with...
I've got a hunger
Twisting my stomach into knots
That my tongue was tied off
My brain's repeating
"if you've got an impulse let it out"
But they never make it past my mouth.
Our youth is fleeting
Old age is just around the bend
And i can't wait to go grey
And i'll sit and wonder
Of every love that could've been
If i'd only thought of something charming to say.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
21 things (original)
Do you not play dirty when engaged in competition?
Do you have a big intellectual capacity but know that it alone does not equate wisdom?
Do you see everything as an illusion? But enjoy it even though you are not of it?
Are you both masculine and feminine?
Politically aware?
And don't believe in capital punishment?
These are 21 things that I want in a lover
Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer
Do you derive joy from diving in and seeing that loving someone can actually feel like freedom?
Are you funny?
A la self-deprecating?
Like adventure?
And have many formed opinions?
These are 21 things that I want in a lover Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer I figure I can describe it since I have a choice in the matter These are 21 things I choose to choose in a lover
I'm in no hurry I could wait forever I'm in no rush cuz I like being solo
There are no worries and certainly no pressure
In the meantime I'll live like there's no tomorrow
Are you uninhibited in bed? More than three times a week? Up for being experimental? Are you athletic? Are you thriving in a job that helps your brother? Are you not addicted?
These are 21 things that I want in a lover
Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer
These are 21 things that I want in a lover
Not necessarily needs but qualities that I prefer
Curious and communicative...
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Random Facts About
-M likes photography, cause it frozens time....which for her opinion goes by too fast.
-M likes to drink now and then...on her own.
-M dislikes people in groups (she might be agoraphobic).
-M likes to cook but hates to wash the dishes.
-M overthinks.
-M doesn´t like to wear brigth colors, she wears them sometimes in accesories.
-M used to bite her toe nails.
-M loves green and brown.
-M is an alpha girl.
-M is a green apple (the juiciest one, said her mom once).
-M loves to have her nails painted in dark but vibrant colors, specially red.
-M is a people person sometimes, but most of times has trusting issues, so she barely has close friends.
-M is a terrible she basically jumps around.
-M is trying to let korny into her life.
-M is kinda narcisistic but she just hides it too well.
-M likes all her things weird (people, movies,music,objects).
-M is a really really good driver.
-M is always in a rush.
-M loves old people and kids.
-M lies a lot less than regular people.
-M accidentally ripped off some eyelashes on her right eyelid like a month ago and they haven´t grew yet!
-M is kinda androgin.
-M has a childlike spirit (she´s not childish).
-M will love and even touch if she´s allowed any living creature.
-M is an idealizer.
-M used to practice capoeira and swimming.
-M likes to clean, keeps her mind blank.
-M likes to sing along.
-M loves gigs.
-M loves smart and clever guys, she loooves Ivan Matta and Enrique Lazo.
-M likes healthy food, but is easier to eat junk food.
-M has a pink cell phone, which is weird, her mom was caugth out of guard by her choice.
-M likes to use the word "particular".
-M knows how to do some "home improvement" as in with men tools and stuff.
-M is a helpeless romantic but she hates to admit it.
-M is sometimes a lil bit paranoic.
-M enjoys silence.
-M cries a hell of a lot with movies and books and tv shows.
-M doesn´t watch a lot of tv.
-M is pretty contradictory, eclectic and messy.she is a walking contradiction.
-M is hella good misreading signs. and that sucks.
-M enjoys make people laugh.